Sunday, December 21, 2014
It's Been One Long Year For Me On Etsy And Beyond
As Santa is getting his final preparations done for this year's delivery of gifts to the good kids of the world, I wanted to wish each and every one of you a Happy Holiday! May it be a happy and joyous event regardless of what you celebrate.
This year has been filled with many new things for me. I got married a year ago in December. In August, I took a 9 to 5 day job. I put one of my Etsy shops on vacation and have scaled down my main Etsy shops and put my wholesale business on hold.
It has been a roller coaster of many ups and downs. There have been a few not so good things but for the most part everything was really good! I am enjoying my new life. However, I do miss writing blogs for you guys. Unfortunately, that is one of the things that will take some time to get back into the habit of.
I do plan to start blogging again. I want to share my experiences with my Etsy shops and business in general. I am slowly working toward making the time for that. So, keep a watchful eye for new posts from me. There is still a plan to move this blog to one hosted on my own site and I will let you all know when that happens.
In the meantime have a great Holiday season!
Monday, March 10, 2014
SEO For Etsy And Google Part 1: Tags and Keywords
It does not matter if you are talking about a webpage from your website or a product page on Etsy. You need to be thinking about SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Tags and Keywords are one of the most important starts to a successfully optimized page. Choosing the right words to optimize for may mean the difference of coming up on page one of the search or page 50. You need to come up in the first 10 pages of any search to be found!
When talking about Tags and Keywords you need to understand some basic ideas. First off Tags and Keywords do not need to be single words. For proper SEO you need Tag phrases and Keyword phrases. In fact single words can and will actually hurt your chances of being found.
Take this example: Blue, Crochet, Hat are all words that you want to be found for. However they are all generic terms. But if you search for just Blue or just Crochet or just Hat you are very unlikely to be found in any search engine!
Now if you use the phrase Blue Crochet Hat you stand a very good chance of being found. Think of it in the sense of you using a search engine. If you were looking for a hat that was crocheted and blue what would you type to find it? You would not expect to find it if you just typed in the word blue would you? Try to think like your customer. What would they type to find you?
On Etsy you have 13 slots to fill with tags/keywords phrases. Use them all wisely. Use phrases that describe you product. Make sure the words accurately describe your items.
Tomorrow I will talk more about tags and keyword phrases and the different ways that Etsy and Google look at them. In the meantime let me know if you have any questions.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Working Hard On Etsy SEO
I have been very busy lately. I started a new wholesale campaign. I have been reworking two Etsy shops. I just have not been able to find time to blog lately. For that I am sorry and I will try to do better.
One of the things I have been working on lately is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Did you know that Etsy has its own search engine? It is very different from Google or Bing or Yahoo. If you want to get to the top of the search on Etsy and one of the big search engines you have to optimize for all of them at the same time!
Next week, if I have time, I will be revisiting how to optimize your Etsy shop to be found on Etsy and Google and Bing and Yahoo and other search engines. SEO is important. It is how you are found and how you make money.
Anyhow, until then, have a great weekend and leave me a comment if you have any questions or comments about SEO.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
How to Succeed With Your Etsy Shop
The above illustration is so accurate that it made me laugh out loud! If success was as easy as a straight line everyone would succeed with everything they do. Of course, today I am just talking about Etsy success. How to succeed with your Etsy shop is something that is personal to each and every one of you.
I measure success differently each and every day. Some days it is gaining 50 followers or Getting 25 item hearts. Other days it is making a $150 sale and some days it is getting a $5 sale. The point is that there is no guideline written that shows what success is with your Etsy shop.
I like to set goals for my Etsy shop. When sales are down I set goals on how many descriptions I can rewrite in a day or how many new photos I can take. I try and stay busy improving my shop. When sales are up I try to set goals on how many items I sale or how much income I can bring in. I set a lot of goals.
The point in setting goals is to see where things are working and what needs to be improved on. There is no point setting a goal if you do not plan to analyze how you did! So, today, I would like each of you to set a small goal for the day and then this time tomorrow analyze how you did. My goal for the day is to revamp five listings. In that I m going to rewrite the Title, Description and Tags to try and get five of my items to perform better. Tomorrow I will let you know how I did.
Post your goal here in the comments and tomorrow we can all see how we did. Good luck, everyone!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Make Your Etsy Shop Work For You!
This year has been slow on sales for me so I decided I needed to step up my game a bit. I want to see those emails flying in with Notification of Payment Received! Last year I averaged 40 shop views and 120 item views a day. I also averaged 1 shop favorite and 10 item favorites a day. Those numbers did alright for me but nowhere near what I need.
So far this year I have averaged 69 shop views and 112 page views a day. Better though is my favorite average of 10 shop favorites and 63 item favorites a day! That's 29 more shop views a day but 8 item views a day less so far.But I am averaging 9 more shop favorites and 53 more item favorites a day. These numbers look good and are only growing!
This is all due to some really hard work. I spend my time fine tuning Titles, Tags and Descriptions. I cam constantly checking to see what my competition is doing differently. I am checking to see if my tags are performing. I check to see if I come up in Etsy search for the words I am aiming for. And it is all working.
I am just working two of my four shops now. I realized that I my have been spreading myself a bit too thin. So, dropping down to just two shops has given me the time to really spend some efforts growing my business. Next week I will be talking more about how I am gaining steam and how you can do the same. Until then have a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
How To Gain More Followers On Etsy
I just published a new eBook guide on how to gain Etsy followers! It is written in my simple to follow instructional manner. I think it is a good read and will help you to gain a ton of followers which in turn will get your products in front of more customers. Getting your product in front of more people can potentially create more sales and more profit for you!
The book is a mere $4.95 and every sale helps me to continue blogging and feeding my family! Just follow this link to purchase the eBook from my Etsy shop: As always, thank you for reading my blog. I hope you are having a stellar week!
The book is a mere $4.95 and every sale helps me to continue blogging and feeding my family! Just follow this link to purchase the eBook from my Etsy shop: As always, thank you for reading my blog. I hope you are having a stellar week!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
How To Link Your Facebook Page To Your Twitter Account
This quick tutorial will show you how to link your Facebook Page posts to your Twitter feed. This way every time you post on your Facebook Page you will automatically tweet it from your Twitter account. This really helps you to be more active in your social network without having to do double the work!
Make sure that you are currently logged into both Facebook and the Twitter account that you want your page posts to show up on.
Step 1: Go to and you will see that your profile page is first in the list. Under it you should see the following with a list of your pages:
Step 2: Choose the page you want to link to your Twitter account and click the Link To Twitter Button.
Step 3: You will be transported to the App Authorization page on Twitter. Authorize the app on Twitter.
That is it! Now, every time you post on your Facebook page you will automatically send a tweet with a link to your Facebook post. It really is that simple! Now you have doubled your social networking efforts. Enjoy!
BTW- I am still working on getting the new blog and website up and running. I will be announcing the date soon. I have already moved my Etsy shop to and have a couple of my eBooks up with more on the way. Check it out and favorite the shop!
Make sure that you are currently logged into both Facebook and the Twitter account that you want your page posts to show up on.
Step 1: Go to and you will see that your profile page is first in the list. Under it you should see the following with a list of your pages:
Step 2: Choose the page you want to link to your Twitter account and click the Link To Twitter Button.
Step 3: You will be transported to the App Authorization page on Twitter. Authorize the app on Twitter.
That is it! Now, every time you post on your Facebook page you will automatically send a tweet with a link to your Facebook post. It really is that simple! Now you have doubled your social networking efforts. Enjoy!
BTW- I am still working on getting the new blog and website up and running. I will be announcing the date soon. I have already moved my Etsy shop to and have a couple of my eBooks up with more on the way. Check it out and favorite the shop!
Monday, February 10, 2014
Easy Etsy Bill Payments
If you accept Direct Checkout in your Etsy shop you can now pay your fees directly from your Shop Payment Account balance! This option has been asked for ever since Etsy Direct Checkout went live. Well, they finally listened to us and here it is!
Now you can use the Etsy Shipping Label tool without worry that your bill will skyrocket. After you print your labels just deduct the shipping from your Etsy bill by making a payment. This is really great news for everyone. Just remember that Etsy sends your funds to your bank on Mondays unless you request an earlier deposit.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Trending On Etsy
Ever wonder where you can find what is trending on Etsy? The answer is here: This page gives you a list of what is currently trending on Etsy. It just so happens that somehow I now have an item from my shop on that page! It is huge news for me. That one item has received over 100 Favorite Hearts in the last 72 hours!
I didn't know much about what that page actually was but I finally have figured it out. If an item on Etsy starts to get a lot of favorites it goes to the Trending page. I do not know how many favorites it has to get. All I know is that once it got to the page it got a lot more favorites.
So, lets try an experiment. Everyone who reads this post go to and favorite the item. When you are done, come back here and post a link to one item you have in your shop that you would like to get more favorites on. Everyone then go and favorite everyone else's item. Lets see if we can keep my item on the trending page and get your items on the trending page!
Let the favoriting begin!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Post Your Etsy Listings To Twitter Automatically!
I've been talking about social networking and how to automate it to make best use of your time. I recently started using HootSuite to help automate and schedule posting to my social networks. They offer a free version that is plenty robust enough for most of us Etsy users.
The free version allows you to link up to five different social profiles including Twitter and Facebook! It also provides some basic analytics so you can keep track of your progress. It also allows you to auto-schedule your posts via an online dashboard. The different paid versions of HootSuit expand what you can do but for most of us the free version is plenty good.
I have been using it for a few months now and it sure makes my life much easier. It also helps me to make a much better effort of being engaging. The rule of thumb on engaging is 10 to 15 nonbusiness posts for every one business or marketing post. Being able to actually see the number of posts listed helps to make this easier. One of the really great auto-scheduling perks is that it sets your posts up to go live at peak times for the network you are using. No more guesswork on when to post!
Alright, that's all for today. Go and check out HootSuite and see if it can help you.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
How To Gain Followers On Social Networks And Keep Them!
Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and others are the 'Word of Mouth' of the new millennium. To be successful you need to learn how to gain followers and keep them. They will be the bread and butter of being successful.
I have written many articles on how to start your Twitter account, your Facebook page and Pinterest along with others. That is the very first step to creating a useful and meaningful social network. They can't come to you if you are not there. Even Etsy itself is based on social connections. Favoriting, Following and Sharing is at the core foundation on how Etsy works and has become so very successful!
Over the next few days I will be writing about how to gain and keep followers in your social networks. I am always open to questions and comments so let me know where you'd like the conversation to go. If you do not already have the social networks I have mentioned above started, search my blog for instructions on how to get them.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Social Networking For Etsy Shop Owners
How do you build your social network as a business? It really is pretty simple, be human. As an Etsy shop owner you probably have a personal Facebook profile and a Facebook Page for your Etsy shop. You probably have a personal Twitter and a Twitter for your Etsy shop. You may even have a personal Pinterest and a Pinterest for your Etsy shop.
I have doubles of everything when it comes to social networks, some things I even have triple or quadruples! How do I manage all of these social network profiles? The short answer i automation! That and I spend a lot of time linking my social networks to one another.
Over the next few weeks I will be talking about how to build your social networks. I will show you how to link your social networks together and how to use free tools to automate your social networks. I hope you will join in discussions that might help to answer a few questions.
For today I would like you to make a list of what social networks you use. Post them here in the comments section. Don't post any links to your networks just a list of which ones you use.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Business Cards For Etsy
If you don't have a business card, maybe you should! Even if you do not do any shows or have items in any shops having a business card is still very important. It will give you an air of professionalism that you cannot put a price tag on. Plus it gives your customers your contact info!
There was a time when business cards were price prohibitive. Then came print your own business cards. It was cheaper to buy ink for your printer and card stock back then. Now with the insane price of ink it is cheaper to have your cards printed!
I am sure you've see the Vista Print add where you can get 250 cards for $10 or 100 business cards free. Personally I use Got Print. They have been very consistent for the three years I have been using them. Right now, until the end of February, they are running a 10% off sale using code ITSVDAY2014 at check out.
Last month I was able to order 2500 business cards for less than the price of one black ink cartridge for my printer. My cards are two sided. Side one is full color and the second side is black and white. They are heavy card stock and look much better than anything I could have done on my printer.
I like the two sided card for a couple of reasons. First, my front is a full color image of one of my products with just my business name. It is almost like having a little piece of art. People tell me they put it on their fridge and see it every day. The front isn't cluttered with contact info. The back does have all my contact info. It does not distract from the product image on the front.
So, if you don't already have business cards let me suggest again that you get some. You can get around 1000 business cards for under $20 with shipping paid. It will increase your business and help to build repeat customers. You may also want to put 3 or 4 cards in so that your customer can hand them out when they get complimented for your beautiful work.
There was a time when business cards were price prohibitive. Then came print your own business cards. It was cheaper to buy ink for your printer and card stock back then. Now with the insane price of ink it is cheaper to have your cards printed!
I am sure you've see the Vista Print add where you can get 250 cards for $10 or 100 business cards free. Personally I use Got Print. They have been very consistent for the three years I have been using them. Right now, until the end of February, they are running a 10% off sale using code ITSVDAY2014 at check out.
Last month I was able to order 2500 business cards for less than the price of one black ink cartridge for my printer. My cards are two sided. Side one is full color and the second side is black and white. They are heavy card stock and look much better than anything I could have done on my printer.
I like the two sided card for a couple of reasons. First, my front is a full color image of one of my products with just my business name. It is almost like having a little piece of art. People tell me they put it on their fridge and see it every day. The front isn't cluttered with contact info. The back does have all my contact info. It does not distract from the product image on the front.
So, if you don't already have business cards let me suggest again that you get some. You can get around 1000 business cards for under $20 with shipping paid. It will increase your business and help to build repeat customers. You may also want to put 3 or 4 cards in so that your customer can hand them out when they get complimented for your beautiful work.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Packaging Your Etsy Goods To Build Repeat Customers
Believe it or not your packaging is as important as your crafts or vintage goods. Having a positively memorable packaging experience can mean the difference of another order or not. I am a minimalist when it comes to packaging. Maybe it is because I am a guy, who knows.
I put my items in a Ziploc jewelry bag and staple my business card to the bag. I place the item(and sometimes a free gift) into a bubble wrap envelope. I usually include a handwritten note asking for my customer to add to my review count.
I would really like to hear what you do with your packaging.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Can Etsy Help You Quit Your Day Job?
So, you hate your day job. Can selling on Etsy really help you quit your day job? The simple answer is YES! Unfortunately it is a bit more complicated than that. The real answer is that Etsy can REPLACE your day job. You might want to consider how much time you have to put towards your new 'Day Job' of Etsy.
I generally spend 10 hours a day between working on my Etsy shop, social networking and making products for my shop. I am in a hard market- Jewelry. It is often times difficult to put myself out there above everyone else. Of course I do have a small advantage since I have been a jewelry maker for over 25 years.
Running an Etsy shop is a full time job. In fact it is 1 1/2 to 2 full time JOBS! At least until you get a good rhythm going. What is your typical Etsy day? What do you do? How long do you spend on each part? I want to know what you do with your time. Share with everyone here. Tell me about your Etsy day.
Yes, I said I was going to continue the Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge but it seemed that no one was participating so, I am putting that on the back burner. Just to let you know though, I have tripled the amout of daily treasuries I am in from just rewriting a few of my listings. If you wish to have me continue that series just let me know.
I generally spend 10 hours a day between working on my Etsy shop, social networking and making products for my shop. I am in a hard market- Jewelry. It is often times difficult to put myself out there above everyone else. Of course I do have a small advantage since I have been a jewelry maker for over 25 years.
Running an Etsy shop is a full time job. In fact it is 1 1/2 to 2 full time JOBS! At least until you get a good rhythm going. What is your typical Etsy day? What do you do? How long do you spend on each part? I want to know what you do with your time. Share with everyone here. Tell me about your Etsy day.
Yes, I said I was going to continue the Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge but it seemed that no one was participating so, I am putting that on the back burner. Just to let you know though, I have tripled the amout of daily treasuries I am in from just rewriting a few of my listings. If you wish to have me continue that series just let me know.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Etsy Success How Do You Measure It?
My Etsy sales are down from last year at this same time but my views are way up! What does this mean? The high cost of International shipping has hurt my business overall. And with shipping costs going up again yesterday I imagine my International business is going to decline even further. However, I still feel that I am successful.
Four years ago when I started selling on Etsy as a newbie I made a grand total of $1025 for the year. Last year I topped $10,000 in sales. Sure, it isn't enough to make a living 100% on Etsy just yet. But I have managed to increase my income almost by double each year. It would be nice to double last years income this year but I don't know that is possible. Still, I will try.
How do you measure YOUR Etsy success? I would really like to hear what you have to say. Tomorrow I will be continuing the Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge Series. Have you done what I challenged you to do?
Four years ago when I started selling on Etsy as a newbie I made a grand total of $1025 for the year. Last year I topped $10,000 in sales. Sure, it isn't enough to make a living 100% on Etsy just yet. But I have managed to increase my income almost by double each year. It would be nice to double last years income this year but I don't know that is possible. Still, I will try.
How do you measure YOUR Etsy success? I would really like to hear what you have to say. Tomorrow I will be continuing the Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge Series. Have you done what I challenged you to do?
Friday, January 24, 2014
9 Tips To Help Your Etsy Shop
Today I am taking a break from the Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge and going to do some Tops and Tricks to make your Etsy shop shine! Please feel free to add any tips or tricks that you may have to this list!
1. CHECK YOUR STATS EVERY DAY- Log into your Etsy account each and every day and check your stats. See where people are coming to your shop from, see how many people visit your items and shops, see how many favorites you get each day and more!
2. CHECK WHAT'S TRENDING ON ETSY - This is a great way to know if you have any items in your shop that are 'trendy' and could use a little boost. If there are similar items in the Etsy Trends Feed check the items and see what tags they are using and change a few of yours to match.
3. BE PROACTIVE - Join teams and be active! Join the forums and let your voice be heard. Know what is going on around you on Etsy by being proactive!
4. CHECK OUT FRONT PAGE TREASURIES - This is how you can keep a finger on the pulse of what Etsy wants from you. These front page Treasuries are hand picked by members of Etsy and reflect what they think is trending. Knowing this can help steer you to create more popular items.
5. A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS - Make sure your best photos are your main photo! Don't be afraid to switch the photos around a little to see which one works best for you.
6. NEW CONTENT IS KING - Google loves pages that change and hate pages that are static. Rewrite your Titles, descriptions and tags at least once a quarter. I try to do this as my items need renewing. This will always insure that my items are fresh and ready for Google to take notice!
7. DOT YOUR I'S AND CROSS YOUR T'S - Nothing is worse than reading a title or description with misspelled words and incorrect grammar. We are all guilty of it from time to time. Employ the help of a friend or family member to proof your work!
8. MISSPELL ON PURPOSE - Add commonly misspelled words to your tags. If one of your tag words can and is commonly spelled wrong, add it to catch traffic from those who type it wrong. I m not suggesting using a ton of misspellings but a few won't hurt and may just help! (Please note #7 above is talking about titles and descriptions)
9. USE ALTERNATE SPELLINGS - As with the suggestion above, if you are marketing to the whole world, use alternate spellings on your tags. JEWELRY is also spelled JEWELLERY and COLOR is also spelled COLOUR and ARMOR is also spelled ARMOUR! So, make sure you are caching all your audience by adding common alternate spellings.
I would love to hear what you have to say about all of the above tips. Please leave me a comment- ESPECIALLY if you have more tips and tricks to add!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge Part 3
Alright, so, by this time you should be 10% up to speed on my Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge! You've studied popular Treasuries. You've reworked 10 of your listings. And your ready for the next step. The next step is a simple one. I would like you to comment on 25 or more active Treasuries.
Simple enough, right? Here, let me complicate it just a little for you. I want you to only comment on Treasuries that match the following criteria:
1. You are NOT featured in the Treasury
2. Your comment MUST be on the first page of the Treasury
3. Your comment MUST be relevant to the Treasury (No generic comment like "love it")
4. You MUST comment on one Front Page Treasury
Okay, of that list, the hardest one will more than likely be commenting on a Front Page Treasury, on the first page of comments with a meaningful comment. You have to time yourself to get it in there. Meaning, you may have to camp next to your computer at the turn of the hour. By 3 minutes after the hour Front Page Treasuries usually are already up to 2 or 3 pages of comments.
Step 5 which I did not mention above is an important step as well. Follow the curator and favorite their shop. Many people who have their Treasury picked for the Front Page get picked again and again! This is not so much favoritism by Etsy as it is people who seem to have a pulse on the Etsy Trends Heartbeat!
This part of the challenge is one that I would like you to repeat each day for a couple of weeks. Actually, it would be great if you could just do it every single day but I know how taxing that can be for you. So, just do it as often as you can. If you cannot hit 25 Treasuries aim for 5 to 10 a day.
Let me know if you have any questions or comments! See you all tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
An Interesting Change To Your Etsy Shop
We've been discussing your Etsy shop in my Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge. First I asked you to look at some trending and hot treasuries. Next I asked you to pick 10 items and completely rewrite them. It's funny how I didn't even notice a very important change to your Etsy shop that can affect you in many ways!
It would seem that Etsy has changed how many items default to your front age of your shop. It used to be that you had 4 Featured items and then 20 other items on your front page. Now it seem they have changed it to 4 Featured items and 80 other items! This makes it super important to have your best items in the front of your shop!
If you have less than 80 items there isn't anything you can really do except make sure that your best items are at the top of your shop. If you have more than 80 items you NEED to put your best items on your first page. I currently have over 400 items and am in the process of rewriting 80 descriptions and titles and tags to insure that my best items are at the forefront of my shop. Yes, it is a daunting task but one that is much needed.
On a related note, I suggest making sure your listings are diverse on your first page. Give your customers a showing of what you do. I try and not have two of the same type of item next to each other on my first page. This means spreading my rings out with my bracelets and necklaces to insure a more broad view of what I do. You want to show potential customers as much as you can without seeming too disorganized.
That is all for today. I will get back to the challenge tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments!
Friday, January 17, 2014
Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge Part 2
Hello, everyone! Hopefully you had the time to spend looking at some of the HOT Treasuries yesterday. Maybe you even had time to look at some of the individual items in the Treasuries. So, it is time for Part 2 of my Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge!
I want you to take your BEST 10 items and edit them. Make sure your TITLE is enticing and contains strong KEYWORDS in your first 3 words. Re write all of your description, making sure the best parts of the description are at the beginning and will be shown in your Google Preview. Make sure that your TITLE and DESCRIPTION in the Google preview do not truncate words or leave partial sentences. Make sure your title has every word starting with an upper case letter. It looks clean and nicer this way.
Then redo all of your TAGS. Make each word in the Tags an upper case letter. So "yellow yarn" becomes "Yellow Yarn" and "red bracelet" becomes "Red Bracelet", etc. This adds a look of professionalism to your listing. You'll note that the tags now show at the bottom of each listing.
Next, once you have changed and published your listing, RENEW it. It will only cost you $.20 and will jump your item to the top of the RECENTLY LISTED section on Etsy. After you renew it, Tweet it, Pin It, Facebook it or post whatever social networks you have. This will help people to know that you have something new to show them.
Lastly, if you are a member of Etsy Forums and or Teams, post it to any thread that says new or renewed items. This will help provide you with a little visibility. Every little bit counts! Keep track of how many more views you get on the items and in the shop as well.
Come back next week to share your results and find out what the next part of the challenge is.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Etsy Shop Makeover Challenge
I have a challenge for you! Don't worry, this is a relatively easy challenge and can greatly benefit you. Let me start over. I was reading article on the Etsy blog about how to attract more Treasury Curators so that more people will feature your items in their Treasuries so that you gain a better chance of being featured on one of the Front Page Treasuries...
The moral of the story was a simple one: Have great photos! Have great titles! Have great descriptions! Have great tags! Yada, yada, yada... I mean, I am not taking their message lightly. It is just everyone seems to push that same info down our throat on a daily basis. I too, promote those things on a regular basis. It just always seems so overwhelming that sometimes I don't even listen to the message and hear only the words.
I get put into a treasury about once every three to four days on average. That isn't many opportunities to get onto the front page. I have only ever had an item in a front page Treasury twice in the three years I have been selling on Etsy. I decided to go ahead and actively try to make my items more appealing so I could get into more Treasuries thus giving a better chance to get on the front page.
When am I ever going to get to the point, you're probably asking yourself. The point is simple, I want to challenge you to get into more Treasuries on Etsy by only doing a couple of simple things. No, I don't want you to join a Treasury team that would be just far too easy! I want you to make your shop catch people's eyes and cause organic want to feature your items in Treasuries.
Today I just want you to get into the planning stage. Go look at popular Etsy Treasuries. Go to and sort by Hotness. Study these treasuries. See if you can figure out what makes them so hot. Look at the pictures in the Treasury. Look at the tags used to promote the Treasury. Study everything. Learn what you can. Come back tomorrow for the next part of this challenge.
Feel free to leave a comment or question.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Share Your Etsy Shops
We all need a little help from our friends. Today let's share our Etsy shops! Here are mine:
Chainmaille and Steampunk Jewelry:
Supplies and eBooks for Crafters:
Handmade Journals and Jewelry:
eBooks for Marketing your Etsy shop: (here only for a limited time)
Feel free to share your shop in the comments section and have a great day!
Monday, January 13, 2014
What are your Etsy goals for 2014?
If you have not yet set any goals for your Etsy shop for 2014, there is still time! Setting goals is a very important part of owning an Etsy shop. I would like to know what your goals are this year. Here are a few of mine:
1. Double m sales for my Tangled Metal Shop Yes, that seems like a huge goal but I am finally to a point in my life where I can dedicate the time and energy to my shop and doubling my sales this year seems like a very reasonable goal.
2. Get Craft Kraken off the ground and generating income. This is a relatively new shop for me. The shop sells crafting supplies of all kinds and will be expanding as I get the chance to work on it. It is also where the Market My Shop stuff is going as I make the transition.
3. Have better customer service all around. This is probably the easiest of my goals. I am going to try and beat my 2 day turnaround average on shipping. I am going to start working on building repeat customers in all my shop. I want the customer experience to be above and beyond what most have received elsewhere.
Thos are my top 3 goals for the year. What are yours?
Friday, January 10, 2014
Etsy And The New USPS Pricing Increase
I remember a time when it only cost me $.20 to mail a letter. That was around 1984. Today that same letter will cost me over double what it was then. It seems that shipping prices are always going to increase. The United States Post Office is increasing their rates again. So, you may want to go ahead and set up a new shipping profile and get all your mailing options changed.
If you'd like to see what your new rates are through Etsy or PayPal, Etsy has set up a chart that you can view here: New Postal Rates For Etsy For 2014 Please keep in mind that these prices are for postage purchased through Etsy and PayPal and they will be HIGHER if you go to the post office.
SO, it is time to calculate your shipping costs and change your listings. Don't forget that your shipping cost should not only reflect postage but packaging and the cost to take it to the post office. Be sure to factor in the full price of shipping as if you were paying for it at the post office as you will never kno when you have to actually do that.
Have a great weekend and I will see you all next week!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
New Year Sales For Your Etsy Shop 2014
I am having a sale just for you, my wonderful readers! For the rest of the month of January I am taking 50% off all of my eBook at just enter code: NEWYEARSHALFOFF at checkout and you'll get any of my eBooks at half price! As of February 1st the eBooks will no longer be available through the Market My Shop Etsy Shop but will be available in the new Craft Kraken Supplies Etsy Shop.
I would like to invite you to share any sales that you may be having with all of us here. Just comment with your shop name, a link and a coupon code.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Release The Kraken
Release your your inner Kraken with Craft Kraken! (Coming soon) Market My Shop is changing its name to Craft Kraken. Some of you may have already taken advantage of my supply shop on Etsy: Craft Kraken Supplies. If not, I would like to invite you to do so.
Market My Shop on Etsy will soon become a part of Craft Kraken Supplies. I will be setting up a new section in the supply shop for eBooks and guides. I will also be recreating this blog over at the new Craft Kraken website
This will be an ongoing process so please bear with me! I will be leaving this site up for a time but eventually will be bringing over all of the info to the new site. I am not sure if I will be able to transfer the comments over as comments or will have to append them to the articles. I will do my best to make that a smooth transition.
Just keep in mind that I am a one man crew so time is always split between the many business endeavors I have going on. I will do my best to help all of you with the transition to the new site. I do not have any time frame in place but I am going to try and have this all done by spring. Maybe sooner if I keep getting snowed in at my place. :)
If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email to
Market My Shop on Etsy will soon become a part of Craft Kraken Supplies. I will be setting up a new section in the supply shop for eBooks and guides. I will also be recreating this blog over at the new Craft Kraken website
This will be an ongoing process so please bear with me! I will be leaving this site up for a time but eventually will be bringing over all of the info to the new site. I am not sure if I will be able to transfer the comments over as comments or will have to append them to the articles. I will do my best to make that a smooth transition.
Just keep in mind that I am a one man crew so time is always split between the many business endeavors I have going on. I will do my best to help all of you with the transition to the new site. I do not have any time frame in place but I am going to try and have this all done by spring. Maybe sooner if I keep getting snowed in at my place. :)
If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email to
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
2014 Brings Exciting Changes For Market My Shop
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“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” ― Winston Churchill |
I have always been a fan and advocate of not changing something that isn't broken. I have also been a STRONG advocate of branding. It is usually taboo to change any major branding in the middle of the game. However, I have decided to take an exception to that rule. So, Market My Shop is about to undergo a complete change- including the name! Here, let me explain...
There has become a stigma surrounding 'marketing' on the Internet. Many people now associate any business name containing 'Market' or 'Marketing' with scams for get rich quick schemes and other not-so-legit business practices. As you all very well know, that is NOT something that I would want to be associated with. Therefor, I am going to be changing the name of this little company and start branding anew!
There is a huge benefit for you, my loyal readers. You will get to see first hand how some of my marketing practices work. As I begin from the ground and start to build this new persona you'll be right there with me. I hope that all of you will benefit from seeing it all first hand.
I will be talking more about this in the next few days so keep an eye out!
Monday, January 6, 2014
2013 Year In Review And Changes Planned For 2014
First off let me say that I hope all of you have had a happy and prosperous Holiday Season. With the coming of the new year, I hope that all of you will have an even better 2014!
My 2013 was the best year ever. Though my shops did not show the growth that I had projected my personal life experienced huge growth! Here are some of the highlights:
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We decided on a 0 for our wedding cake topper. Each Year we will add candles. |
On December 14th, 2013 I got married to the woman of my dreams. I won't bore you with all the details or anything but I will say the wedding was perfection. I am quite possibly the luckiest, happiest man on the planet. In addition to gaining a wonderful wife, I also gained a wonderful 7 year old son. My life is wonderfully complete now.
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Me and my new son, Nathaniel |
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Me and my new wife, Cinnamon |
I made a major move to my new 'Forever Home' with my new wife and son. I got a new building for my art and jewelry studio. It is much larger than my 'third bedroom' studio in my old house and I am very excited to get it all set up.
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My new 12 x 30 Studio |
How was your 2013? Leave me a comment and let me know!
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