Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is This Blog Helping You?

I do not get a lot of comments on my posts here so I wanted to ask all of you if my blog id helping you? I am not one of those people who blog for attention or because I am a great writer or because I have some political statement to share. I blog to try and help people make their Etsy shops better, to make their sales better and to help understand the jargon that comes with SEO and the like.

I learn new things every day. I hope that I am teaching or sharing those new things with you. I need some feedback and I need some questions. Please take the time to leave a comment or send me an email with your questions. I do not need my ego stroked, I need a critique! Tell me how I can better serve you. Tell me what you disagree with. I am all ears! MarketMyShop@gmail.com


  1. Eric:

    I really like having your email show up every day. It makes me think about my shop on Etsy. I loved your suggestion about asking your mother for names of things to use as tags. Very clever.

    I assume that you have a shop on Etsy too, but I couldn't find the name of your shop in your email. I googled "Market My Shop" to get to your blog.

    Keep writing.

    LinensandThings on Etsy

    1. I am glad I help remind you of your shop! Yes, I do have an Etsy shop! My shop name is TangledMetal: http://www.etsy.com/shop/TangledMetal

  2. I learn something new with every post! Please don't give up on blogging.

  3. Definitely, it's very helpful! I've been forwarding all of your emails to a friend who is very much trying to increase his etsy sales/exposure. It's helped us both! Please don't stop! :)

  4. totally! I get your blog emailed each time and I always look forward to your words of wisdom!

  5. Yes, your blog is helping me. I'm always learning something new about Etsy from your posts.

  6. Please don't stop, I never make comments, but that doesn't mean I don't read your blogs. You have your own special folder in my email acct where your emails go until I have time to read them!

    Thank you for all of your help that you have so freely given!

    Marcia J

  7. Even though I haven't done much with my Etsy shop lately, reading and saving your blog posts that I subscribe to is a big help. Like someone else wrote, it reminds me I have an Etsy shop and I really could do more with it. The other day, I thought I'd try promoting my shop by paying $5/week for something or other. If I don't get any attention for my digital downloads that way, I'll stop the promotion and try something else.

    While I'm not ready to advertise on Facebook yet, I believe I could make some announcements about specials in my Etsy shop. Another thing I might do is sell other supplies besides my digital downloads.

    I actually have 2 Etsy shops as you suggested recently. My personal shop will have my artwork for sale and the one with the digital downloads has about 20-25 images for only $1 each.

    What I need is more time to really work the Etsy market. I work p/t for 20 hrs/week and don't take the time to take photos of my other art supplies for Etsy. Hopefully I'll start doing that this summer.

    Keep up the great blog work and suggestions.

    Marrianna, www.reddancerstudio.typepad.com

  8. I appreciate your advice and read your blog. I apologize for not commenting more often. I am consciously trying to LIMIT my computer time so I have more time to devote to my business. That means I can't take the time to comment on every blog I read --- and most days I can't read all the blogs I follow.

  9. Yes, I definitely enjoy reading your advice and tips, and I really do think it helps! My mother and I own our business, and she hears this a lot, "the guy with the steampunk jewelry says..." To which she then asks, every time, "What is steampunk again?" ;)

    I mostly read your blogs on my phone, and I've commented a couple times, but man is it frustrating to comment on a blog on my slow phone! Argh!

    Not to worry, though, I am reading and taking your advice and putting it to god use! So glad you started this blog! :)

  10. I enjoy and learn from your blog every single time you post! I don't always comment, and sometimes even whenI do the comment is not posted. Not sure why since I make sure I am signed in, etc. Life is full of weird!

  11. Just became an official Follower! :D

  12. YES!! Please keep your blog going and please keep bringing us helpful Etsy advice!

    If you have any insight about running an Etsy team, I'd like to hear that. Or suggestions that have worked for teams you've been on. I founded a local team more than 3 years ago, but it's just kinda floudering because I can't do it all myself, and the few members who have volunteered have mostly ended up bailing on their "duties" after just a couple of months.

    Other than team suggestions, SEO tips are the most useful for me. And conversion ... how can I turn all those lookers and "favorite-ers" into buyers?! (Or at least a FEW of them!)

    My shop is http://www.etsy.com/shop/prairieprimitives.
