Monday, April 23, 2012

Etsy Search Ads Revisited

Recently, I decided to give Etsy Search Ads another go. It was a small test. I ended up spending $14.65 and got a total of 13,948 impressions. Out of that I received only 81 views and 2 favorites. During the same time I posted to my Facebook Page ( around 15 times and my Twitter feed ( around 45 times and received about 45,000 views, 275 favorites and five sales.

I know I am not really comparing apples to apples but it looks like to me that Etsy Search Ads are not working for me. I have to ask myself what am I doing wrong. The answer? I am using Etsy Search Ads, that's what I am doing wrong. Last year I used Search Ads for about 3 months and got one sale that barely offset what I paid for it. I think the only reason I made a sale from it was it was close to Christmas.

This last experiment has shown me that my $14.65 would have been better spent on Facebook Ads or in purchasing a Twitter service to schedule my Tweets like HootSuite. If you have had a better experience with Etsy Search Ads I would really like to hear your story. Leave it as a comment or send me an email to

Tomorrow I will begin my in depth series on Facebook Ads.


  1. For the cost of one search ad I could do 73 relists at 20 cents each -- better use of my money.

  2. My experience with Search Ads has been the same. I tried them for about 3 weeks in my folk art shop when they first came out last Fall. A few weeks ago, I got the harebrained idea to try Search Ads in my destash shop ... not so much to promote my destash items, but I also sell digital collage sheets of vintage photos and antique postcards in that shop as well. I got the expected number of clicks (LOTS), but not a single sale. And what's worse is that SOMEHOW the ad renewed itself for a 2nd week. I am 99.9999% sure that I **did not** do that. Thankfully, it stopped after the 2nd week! Total cost was around $14 or $15 ... and not a single sale.

    Want to check out my destash shop?
