Thursday, August 25, 2011

SEO The Ongoing Battle

One thing about Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is that it is an ever changing ongoing battle. What works one month may not work the next month. As more and more people optimize their titles and tags on Etsy the more you will have to modify yours to stay on top. I wish there was a solid onetime fix to keep you in the top of the search but there is not.

One way you can stay on top is marketing for the different holidays and trends. If you add holiday related tags and changes to your titles you may just get that extra boost that translates into sales. For example, right now the current trends on Etsy have moved away from Summer and Back To School and have headed over to Fall, Autumn and Halloween.

Keeping an eye on what is hot will keep your shop fresh and hot. Every morning I look at the current trending tags in the Treasury section. This give me an idea of what is trending daily and over the long run. Also, it is a good idea to subscribe to as many of the Etsy newsletters as you can. They all have valuable trending information in them.

Got questions? Comments? I want to hear them all.


  1. That's a good suggestion to check what is trending daily, and it also sums up why seo is so hard to stay on top of. There is no one time does it with seo. It is a daily task and must be worked as such. My goal is to optimize just 2 listings every day. That way I always have something fresh to show up at the top of the search, but I'm don't burn myself out and get overwhelmed. Changing two listings to reflect current trending isn't too hard, and with my current listings at over 100, I will have completely updated all my items every 50 days.

  2. Windy, Very good point. Do not try to do too much at once because you WILL get overwhelmed. Two to five items a day is my current goal. Like some of my wedding items are good for a wedding all year long but when "Fall Wedding" is trending I change my "Summer Wedding" tags. Once you fall into a routine it makes things much easier. (See my article on Time Management for info on this)

  3. Great post. As I was re-doing my tags for relevancy I noticed I had several pairs of earrings I listed as 'summer' because that's when I listed therm and they looked summery to me. When I really look at them though, many of the colors are even more applicable to autumn. Sometimes you have to step away from the original inspiration for the item and see how it might be viewed in a different context.
