Friday, September 13, 2013

10 Tips For Better Etsy Sales

We are always looking for easy things we can do to increase sales in our online marketplace. Whether it is an Etsy sop or Artfire or Woogiewoo, there are some things that can be done to help draw positive attention to your shop. Here are 10 tips and tricks to help:

1. Business Cards- Even if you don't do show or have a brick and mortar business cards are very important. Put one in every order- even on repeat buyers. Carry them with you- you never know when you might be in a conversation and want to direct someone to your shop. a business card is a reference point and much easier than trying to get someone to remember your web address.

2. Signature File- I cannot stress this enough. Have a signature on your email, your forums and anywhere else that allows your signature. If you have a Facebook page this is the most important link! Once you have them on Facebook you get to advertise to them multiple times! If you just have a link to your Etsy shop you may only get one view.

3. Be ProActive- Whether you are on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or forums, be helpful and active. Answer questions. Post useful information. Don't just post ads. Strike up conversations. People like to see that there is a human behind your shop.

4. Customer Service- The customer is always right even when they are wrong. Arguing with a customer is petty and 99% of the time completely useless. If a customer wants to return an item let them. Make the customer happy at all costs. never make the customer feel like they are not important.

5. Keep in Touch- I collect email addresses by asking to sign my customers for a news letter. Once a quarter I send out a special deal just for my previous customers. It might be free shipping, a free item with purchase or discount code. It keeps repeat customers buying.

6. Offer Specials- I try and offer specials every week. I post them on Facebook and tweet them. Flash sales, holiday discounts and special offers can turn someone who might be interested into a paying customer.

7. Never Look Desperate- Even if your electricity is about to be turned off, NEVER let your customer know you are having problems! Nothing turns people off more than the sob story of how you have to make $xxx to keep your lights on.

8. Answer Fast- Answer every question a.s.a.p. Letting someone wait days for an answer will almost kill a sale every time. The faster you answer the more important your customer will feel.

9. Be Clear- If you are not sure what your customer is asking, get them to explain further. Nothing is worse than sending out a custom order only to find out it wasn't what the customer was asking for.

10. Advertise- Your advertising cost is tax deductible. Even if you can only afford $10 a month that is better than nothing. You must decide where best to spend your advertising dollars. I suggest Facebook. That has always worked for me.

There you have it. Please feel free to add to this list in the form of a comment. Or send me an email to See you all next week!


  1. Thank you for the great tips.

    I was wondering how to add a newsletter to my web site where customers can sign up, I don't want to spam anyone.
    I am following the tips you suggested, never enough time in the day for everything, what else is new:)
    Thanks for any help and info.


    1. Elly,

      I wrote about this but I cannot seem to find what I wrote. Here is a link to the Etsy blog with info on starting a newsletter:
