Friday, May 24, 2013

How To Make Money On Etsy

Etsy is a great way to make money. You have the ability to create a shop with very little overhead, very few fees and a built in audience. However, it is just like a real job. You have to work for your money. The harder you work the better chance you have making money.

To make a decent amount of money on Etsy you need a product that people want. You have to get the people that want your product in front of your product. You have to entice them with eye catching titles, great photos and descriptions that will answer all of their questions and you have to have your product at a price that they are willing to pay.

Starting next week I will be dissecting an Etsy listing into all of its parts and explaining how to have the best chance of selling possible. I'll share how I create a listing and you may be surprised by the order of what gets filled out first, second, third and last. For me it isn't necessarily starting at the top of the page and working my way down.

I hope that all of you have a great long weekend. Please note that since it is Memorial Day Weekend I will not be blogging on Monday. For those of you not in the US I hope that you will also have a great weekend even if you have to go to your day job on Monday. Until next week!

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